Tuesday, October 8, 2013

October 8th 2013 update

I hope i'm doing this correctly? so yeah!

Hey Guys its Kayla,

This week has just started and I feel like I should be more stressed than I really am. Maybe this semester I should feel more stressed but i'm not, I don't know whether thats a good thing or not... I have a Lab practical today, and it will be exciting when its over with. It's not difficult, and I know I am more comfortable with most of the species names, but aging is a little worrisome especially the Javelina (Collard Peccary: Pecari tajacu <multitasking>). Yet another plant quiz on wednesday. We are up to 50 plants. It's not hard learning 10 plants a week, but the cumulative factor makes it a little more stressful. I almost wish they would quiz us on everything each wednesday... less stressful that way, instead of only being quizzed on 5-7 plants. (*uhg*). I still need to finish my annotated bibliography so that will be taking up my in between time. I didn't get much done this weekend, due to a family emergency, but all is looking up (at the moment)... My stepbrother and his band won a battle of the bands contest a few weeks ago, so this weekend ill be returning to Yuma (AKA absolute frakking hell - the town that is) to watch him open for Corbin Easton, (i don't know who that is), but i'm sure it will be fun. So if anyone needs anything from Yuma, haha, i'd be more than happy to collect that for you or do my best to do so.


P.S. I like feeding the fish at the bottom...